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Why does automated Action sending emails for first time only?

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It working only once after creation. If it runs the scheduler by putting back date in 'Next Execution date' field, It is not sending emails.

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Best Answer

The '_check' function in 'Check Action Rules' scheduler checking a condition before executing the process. That condition checks whether the action date greater than last automated action run datetime and less than of current datetime. Whenever the '_check' function executes it saves that time as last run date. So that's why when we run the scheduler manually by putting back date, it is not executing process. 

Odoo V16: addons/base_automation/models/ def _check(self, automatic=False, use_new_cursor=False):

if last_run <= action_dt < now:
except Exception:

##For testing you can modify the code as 

if action_dt <= now:

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